CHAPTER 1. ADMINISTRATIONCHAPTER 1. ADMINISTRATION\Article 4. Personnel Policy and Employee Benefits

There is hereby incorporated by reference for the purpose of establishing employee personnel rules and regulations the document entitled “Uniform Personnel Rules and Regulations for the City of Downs.” No fewer than three copies of said document shall be marked or stamped “Official Copy as adopted by the Code of the City of Downs” and which there shall be attached a copy of this section. Said official copies shall be filed with the city clerk and shall be open to inspection and available to the public at all reasonable hours. All departments of the city shall be supplied with copies of such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary.

(Code 1990)

(a)   To enable the City of Downs, Kansas to attract and to retain in its employment, persons of competence and to provide a means for supplementing the retirement benefits of employees, the City of Downs, Kansas, hereby elects to join and participate in the Kansas Public Employees Deferred Compensation Plan, as authorized by K.S.A. 74-49b14.

(b)   There is hereby established a deferred Compensation Committee/Designee which shall assist in the review and approval of participant hardship requests.

(c)   The City of Downs, Kansas is hereby charged with the duties of serving as local administrator of the plan and shall provide forms to all City employees to specify the amount of any compensation voluntarily deferred, make appropriate reductions from the gross compensation of such employees, transfer to the Contract Holder the amount so deferred in accordance with the conditions established under the Plain Joinder Agreement.

(d)   The City of Downs, Kansas being authorized to become a joint contract owner with the State of Kansas of the group contract issued by the Contract Holder, in conjunction with the Kansas Public Employees Deferred Compensation Plan, hereby authorized and approves execution of a Plan Joinder Agreement and a Contract Joinder Agreement to implement a deferred compensation plan. Such agreements shall be signed by the Mayor.

(e)   The City shall not be responsible for any loss incurred by an employee under the deferred compensation plan adopted and approved hereby.

(Ord. 942; Code 2023)